High School Student & Intern at Passion Impact
Week 2

July 14-17
This week I hosted my first game day alongside my committee partner! When I first found out that my committee had to lead game days, I was a bit hesitant and nervous, but now I'm so grateful that this is pushing me out of my comfort zone. For this first week, we played Uno Online and everyone had a great time.
We had one workshop this week about Tabling with Confidence. I learned to utilize traffic flow, permanent structures, and entrances/exits to choose a location to table, and how to attract potential volunteers.
As a group, we also began to discuss the process of recruitment, planned out how the interviews would go, and I created an online application for people who wanted to sign up. To organize ourselves, we also created a Google sheet listing all potential recruits and a section to indicate if they've been contacted/have filled out the application. We were so excited to work on this that some of us stayed overtime to get everything ready!
A quote I liked from this week's reading of Emergent Strategy